Saturday, May 27, 2006

Avoiding "Golf Overload" - Your Guide To Finding The Right Golf Instruction Tutorials

By: Blair MacGregor

I'm sure you've been made familiar with the popular golf instruction aids & tutorials that you've seen in the pro shops, online at bookstores like Amazon and on specialty sites all over the web. You might even be suffering from golf overload! While your first inclination might be to give that new product a try, you need to keep certain things in mind before making an impulse purchase.

First of all, let's keep something in mind. My goal here isn't to bring you down to earth or to try and stifle your dream of playing exceptional golf. However, the odds of a certain golf instruction program suddenly transforming your game from part-time amateur to a full-time golf virtuoso is somewhere between slim and none.

There are many programs and aids available that can help you improve your game in one form or another, but nothing is a substitute for good old-fashioned practice, whether that be on the course, at the driving range, or simply in your backyard. Anywhere where you can be free to make mistakes and learn from them is a good place to practice, and eventually, your game will thank you for it.

I would liken it to learning to play a musical instrument. If you've ever learned how to play piano, guitar, violin or another instrument, you'd know that even though you might have had a stellar teacher, failure to practice on a consistent basis means the lessons you're being taught will be completely meaningless. The same can be said for golf instruction. You can spend hundreds of dollars on professional golf instruction or $47 for an e-book and DVD set, but without the proper amount of practice, you will not improve your game. Period. That said, here are some things to look at when researching the latest golf instruction products & tutorials:

1. What ails your game the most?

What is it about your game that you think is the most lacking? I'm sure you can think of one thing you're consistently doing wrong on the course, whether it be slicing the golf ball, or not getting enough power on your drives, etc. Jot down one or two of these problems that you'd like solved and look for specific products to help those elements of your game the most. And since many problems in golf tend to stem from one underlying issue, odds are you will correct a number of parts to your game just by implementing a strategy or unlearning a bad habit that you might have unknowingly picked up on.

2. What credentials does the author/manufacturer have?

Does the author of that book teach amateur golfers on a regular basis? How have his students done? Do a Google search for his or her name and try to track down some of the individuals that they've tutored. People are always willing to give out reviews & opinions, and the golf world is no different. If the instructor has experience or connections with some of the PGA professionals or has a successful track record teaching amateurs, then its likely that you've found someone you can trust.

3. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

If their product is worth checking out, the author or instructor will always be readily available to answer any questions you might have about the product before you make a purchase. Never hesitate asking questions directly to the source up front before making your decision.

Taking the time to thoroughly research the web before purchasing a golf instruction tutorial or aid will save yourself a great deal of frustration and should help your golf game moving back in the right direction.

Article Source:

Blair MacGregor is the webmaster & publisher of, the #1 site online for Golf Instruction Product News & Information.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Use These 5 Golf Driving Tips To Improve Your Golf Game

By: Tim Lee

Most golf tips rendered today by experts concern driving. These tips are to guide players in hitting the ball further than they normally do. The first and the most important step in driving is to set it up like any other swing shot. Driving could make or break the hole.

The five simple but effective tips for driving are as follows:

1. Proper set up:
Set up the swing properly. Driving should be done, using a wood or a driving iron due to their length. The length gives you two distinct advantages - you can increase the distance of your stance from the ball and you can spread your feet wider to get a better balance and weight transfer. This will enable you to get a short and wide swing giving you control and power in the right proportions.

2. Understand the sequence of motion:
Sequence of setting up, swinging and driving with the correct weight transfer is a major factor. Although a little difficult for the beginners, they could keep it in mind and keep their drives in the sequence, so that they can develop their game on these fundamentals.

3. Let the power build then release at impact:
Power should build with your swing. Always release the power along with the impact with the ball. Keep the swing short, the longer the swing, the lesser the control. Most beginning golfers tend to think otherwise in the attempt to hit the ball farthest. Short and wide swing will give you most powerful and controlled shot compare to the long and narrow one.

4. Swing within yourself so you maintain balance:
Never swing too back or too forward. Stay within your self, to keep it in control. Distribute your weight evenly from heel to toe and stay balanced. Maintain good posture, a straight spine and upright chin. This will not only help in your drives but also to avoid injuries.

5. Imagine the ball in the middle of the fairway: Imagine that the ball is in the middle of the fairway. Use a correct wrist hinge and full body turn to get the maximum from your swing. This will give you more consistent driving skills.

In addition to the above, maintaining fitness of your body is a major factor to gain yards on the swing. Certain exercises are said to add almost 30 odd yards to the drive, so step on it.

About the Author:
My site( provide tips to improve your golf swing
Read more articles by: Tim Lee
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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Golf Tips For Nasty Swingers

By: David Chandler

Most golfers have difficulty executing a good golf swing. If you are one of those that belong to the 99.9% that makes nasty swings, I offer you some golf tips, as there are a number of possible reasons for this.To help you remedy some of these problems, this article offers some golf tips for specific difficulties experienced by novice and average players.

However, what if you are playing a lot but cannot improve your strokes or hits? Take this golf tip, it is best for you to go back to the fundamentals of the sport.

Most problems start from improper stance and grip. Identify the strokes that cause you the most problems and focus on improving those strokes. Check your tempo. A good golfer has proper coordination of the moving parts of the body. Speed and timing are also important factors for a good shot. See to it that you are not too anxious while hitting the ball. When you miss, then try again, this time relax yourself.Once your stance, grip, and timing are corrected, you will see an improvement in your golf swing.

In addition to the above, other factors need to be considered and corrected to improve your golf swing.One of the scariest problems in golf is when the ball crazily turns to either the right or left. This is due to misalignment in the body and the swing plane. To alleviate this problem, do not stand to too close to the ball and shift your weight on your heels.When hitting the ball, avoid swaying your body. Any unnecessary movements may result to incorrect shots. It is but natural to move your body during stroking, but minimize side-to-side movements. Keep your feet together while hitting the ball as this will minimize body movement.Also, consciously shift your weight, trying to keep your weight in your heels. Keep a constant pace on hitting the ball, don't decelerate as you make the down swing. Be wary of hitting the ground before the ball, this is called “fat shots” that may lead to injuries.

Do you have bad games because you often push or pull the ball? Then check the distance of the ball and your stance. Make sure that your body is parallel to the target line. For pulling shots, ensure your self of enough coils while making your back swing.Avoid looking up while hitting the ball, again focus on your hit. See to it that you do not take your eyes away from the ball until it disappears after a shot. Do not be anxious as to where your ball will go. Many golfers say that this is their number one mistake.

Other golf tips are:·

Learn to relax your body, and always make a full turn. Do not swing at the ball, swing through it.· Too steep a swing path may often smash you tees into the ground. Do not allow your hands to get far ahead of the club head when attempting to make a hit. Also, make your shallow swing constant and back swing, shallow.

The game of golf can be an enjoyable sport for the whole family. With a bit of practice and patience anyone can learn the game.

About the Author:

For more information about improving your golf swing or even a golf travel vacation, visit and

Read more articles by: David Chandler

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Golf -A Strategy For Scoring Less Than 100

By Willie Hill

If there was one thing that you could do at the beginning of your golf game, that would make a huge difference on your golf score? What would that be? Something meaner then Big Bertha, you bought from e-bay? Telescopic broomstick, that was supposed to do everything, including range finder, amount of force and read the breaks that the naked eye were not able to pick up?

Actually it is none of the above. It is the ability to be in the HERE AND NOW. Let me explain. The great shot is already done and it went smack down the middle of the fairway. The slice that took your golf ball into the next fairway and the fore that followed is in the past. What matters now is how you react to these shots. Do you add fuel to the fire and make it burn BIGGER then it is, because that is what you’re doing when you start carrying on about how that shot was played. The proverb DON’T CRY OVER SPILT MILK is very applicable here the shot is done. Easier said then done.

So how do I get to the HERE AND NOW

• Grab blocks of 4-8 minutes and just sit quietly and look at the golf ball. The object of this exercise is to quiet your mind. Look at the ball and when you mind starts to wonder to other things, exhale and refocus on the ball. Do no more then the 8 minutes. When you start to get good at refocusing and letting go of things that are really not important at this moment in time, your score will come down without you really doing anything extra to your golf game. Gone will be the times when you rushed through your shot and not go through you pre shot routine completely, just to get on to the green, because all the rest of the guys are there waiting for you.

• You will know your getting better, when your recovery time gets smaller and shorter. So you’re not putting a lot of fuel on to that fire. You will not be able to get rid of this completely, just be happy that by the end of the 4 step (from where you took the shot) away from the slice into the next fairway, you have forgotten about it.

• Another way of working through this is using NLP technique ARIA & ALIA. A is for acknowledge the error, R is for releasing the error (for this I lick my middle finger and flick it away from me, as in externalizing the error and letting it go, I is for imprinting a visual image of the correct action required and A is for asking your self to do that the next time and you actual have time from the wayward shot, because it does not take that long to go through the whole sequence.

• The ALIA is done when you, pull off one of those shots, that you never knew that you had. A is for acknowledge the great shot, L is for love yourself or pat yourself on the back for doing a great shot. I is for imprinting that shot and replaying that great shot and the A is asking you’re self to do it again the next time. If you can get your hands on Jeffery Hodges Sportsmind Book (p 33-35)

Another way of learning to let go is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). The web site below will be a good resource for getting more info on this topic"

What I am doing for you here is generating options for you. We are unique in the way we process information. So what works for the top pro golfers may not be the one for you. Put all of the above to the test for you, if it works use it, if it doesn’t, let it go.

Willie Hill, multi disciplinary practitioner.Sportsmind accredited coachSports Hypnosis, NLP Sports application,Strength & Conditioning coach,Certified Personal Trainer,Massage & Shiatsu cert2nd year part-time Psychology Student

Article Source:

Thursday, May 18, 2006

How To Read Greens Like A Pro

By: Jack Moorehouse -

Ever hit a putt you thought was going in only to have it drift wide right? If you have, chances are you misread the green. My golf lessons teach that reading greens takes skill, good judgment, and experience. Since there’s no formula for determining the direction a ball must start based on the slope of the green and the distance to the hole, reading greens is key to sinking more putts. And sinking more putts, as my golf tips emphasize, produces a lower golf handicap.

Let’s talk about ball speed for a second. Ball speed is critical in putting. The factors affecting speed are

(1) the type of grass you’re putting on,

(2) the direction the grass is growing, and

(3) the moisture of the grass.

Wet greens tend to slow a ball down. Fast greens tend to drift the ball away from the hole.Reading a green correctly—accounting for how these factors affect your putt— helps you determine not only the speed of a putt but also the direction. To sharpen your skill at this technique, we recommend developing a green-reading routine.

Let’s look at the putting sequence before getting into specifics. First, your subconscious mind absorbs all the factors affecting ball speed and direction. Next, you decide how hard and where to hit the ball. Then, you putt. You judge the accuracy of your read by watching the putt. If it goes in, you’ve read the green correctly. If it goes by the hole, you’ve may have misread the green.My golf tips stress that experience contributes greatly to reading a green correctly.

But I also recommend that you keep the following in mind as you approach a green:

• Start thinking about the line of the putt as you walk to the green. The best view of the green’s slope (whether it slopes to the right or left) is from 20 yards or so away. Standing on the green can’t tell you this. If the terrain surrounding the green slopes to the right, the green probably slopes to the right. If a green slopes in the opposite direction, it creates a basin that collects water. No self-respecting landscape architect will do that.

• Check from the side of the green if you have an uphill or downhill putt. You can make this judgment by standing behind the putt. The side provides the best perspective for this and for determining the speed of the ball. For downhill putts, the low side of the green offers the best perspective for judging the terrain’s slope.

• Stand behind the hole to judge the area around the hole. This area is crucial because a ball loses most of its speed by the time it gets to the hole. Here, the terrain can really influence the ball’s direction.

• Read the green with your feet. Use your sense of balance to determine the green’s slope. It will also give you clues about the putt’s speeds

• Stand behind the ball to make a final decision on the putt’s direction and speed. When you stand above the ball, your perspective changes, as does your impression of the line. Behind the ball is the best place to take a final look. Once you’ve made the decision, don’t change it.

In addition, here’s a few putting tips I always highlight in my golf instruction: watch the roll of another player’s ball, don’t underestimate the break on a putt, and pay attention to the influence of the wind and dampness.Watching another player’s ball, especially if he or she has a similar shot, provides hints on how the ball rolls.

Sometimes, it even provides you with a near perfect line. Also, miss a break on the high side of the hole not the low. That way the ball has at least a chance of rolling in. And it doesn’t roll as far away from the hole on the high side as it does on the low.

In addition, a strong wind affects the speed and direction of the ball as does dampness. So factor these elements in. A ball rolls a lot slower on wet grass than on dry grass.Finally, watch the ball if it goes by the whole. Don’t turn away in anger. There’s little feedback before and during a putt, so you can’t check your reading accuracy until after you hit the ball.

Key questions you need to ask yourself are: Did it have the right direction? Did it have the right speed? Did it have the right on line? Answering these questions is crucial to improving your ability to read greens and sink more putts. And doing that, as my golf lessons point out, will lower your golf handicap.

Article Source:

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros.” He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Preparation In Teeing Up The Golf Ball For The Big One

By George Gabriel
I know a lot of us golfers have headed up the main drive to the golf course, in anticipation of hitting the big golf ball off the tee. There are four main procedures that we all seem to overlook at times. Hitting the big one, or launching it off the tee has four important steps to consider before we let the golf ball fly.
Tee it up! Why would golfers risk taking a divot with a driver?The risk reward is far greater if you have the ball sitting slightly off the grass. Sure you will get a lower trajectory ball flight, but the chances of taking some grass with it are greater. When you have just air between the club face and the golf ball, the club head speed will be far faster than having grass in between. Tee it up and let it fly?
Alignment on the tee box is very important. I know a lot of golfers have been fooled, including myself by the layout and design of the tee box. The architect purposely designed the golf course in such a way, that you have to think before you act.

Nothing more discouraging, than launching the big one off the tee in the wrong direction, sometimes you will find the tee box facing southwest, and the fairway is heading southeast. To avoid this directional hazard, one must stand behind the golf ball and look down the fairway, and not down the tee box. Another foolproof method would be to address the ball with the club head behind the golf ball looking down the fairway and stepping into position. Once your aiming in the right direction, go ahead and launch it off the tee box!
I would like to think the third important procedure, would be to plant your feet. I don’t know how many times we have stepped into the ball and only to find out that our footing has gave away below us, especially on early mornings because of the dew on the grass or wet weather conditions. Have you ever seen a golfer waggle at address? It may seem like a long ritual, but it works. Planting your feet will keep the upper portion of the body steady for a good lift off.
The other important procedure, is keeping your head still. Have you ever watched Jack tilt his head up slightly and steering directly behind the ball, before lift off? His head is locked into position. I’ve personally have tried lifting my head slightly. I find by doing so, it leaves a little more room for shoulders to turn freely through the upper coil of the body.
Keeping your head steady is the key indicator as to where the club face has to return for impact. In having a steady head will avoid a lot of guessing as to where the ball is at impact. Lock your upper portion of the body in place by starting with a steady head and let her go!
With the ball teed up, right direction, a steady head and feet planted, the golf muscle memory will take care of the rest.
About The Author:
Learned how to golf as a caddie, and played the game for 20 - 25 years. Now running a tee time site at

Avoiding The Golf Traps

By: Ken Snowie -

It’s every golfer’s worst-case scenario – You’re golfing great, you’ve got a perfect swing, the perfect stance, and you were able to get rid of that slice that’s been on your back. NO matter how well everything goes, even the best golfer can find himself (or herself) occasionally stuck in a sand trap, stuck in the grass or trapped behind a giant tree on the golf course.

Unfortunately, the traps are what make the game interesting. Without them, the game would probably become boring for even the most devoted golfer. Obstructions help to make golf a more interesting and challenging game, and you’ll learn to appreciate the traps when you find the best ways to get out of them.The odds that your golf ball will roll to a stop right behind a tree are slim, but it does happen.

There are ways out of this situation. You could chop down the tree, or drill a hole in the tree large enough to hit your ball through, but that’s probably not going to make the maintenance crew of the golf course very happy. A lot of golfers just sacrifice one putt so that they can place the golf ball in a more favorable position. How well this works depends on your ability as a golfer, and what you’re willing to risk on one play.

If there is another tree close by, you can try a ricochet shot, but it’s not very reliable. You can’t judge where the ball will go once it hits the rough bark of the tree. A good solution is to practice a curve ball before you get into this situation, so that you’ll know what to do when the time comes. Sand is a whole other problem completely on the golf course. Many golfers opt for the “whack and see” technique. To do this, pull a sand wedge from your golf bag, hit the general vicinity of the ball, then watch the sand to see if your golf ball takes flight as well.

Consistency is the crucial to your golfing game on the whole, and getting out of a sand trap is not exclusive to this. It is hard to control a golf ball in the sand. Golf balls don’t really roll in sand and difficult to control a putt from a sand trap. In addition, you are probably going to be dealing with an upward slope of the trap before you’re out on the course again.

Therefore, the only really dependable way to get out of a sand trap is to use the wedge and try to get enough lift on the ball to clear the sand. Make sure that you choose your wedge cautiously. Keep in mind that you want enough lift to clear the sand. However, less lift is usually easier to manage.

No matter what obstacle you’re facing on the golf course, having good control of the ball, choosing the right club for the job, and setting up your shot just right are the ways that you will be able to get out of those sticky situations on the golf course.

Article Source:

If you would like to know more about golf visit

Monday, May 15, 2006

Golf Clubs – Getting The Perfect Fit

By: Ken Snowie -

When it comes to golfing, not any old golf club will do for you. You know this if you have ever been on the golf course having make up for a club that is too long or not long enough. Besides adversely affecting you game, using golf clubs that do not fit your body can cause aches and pains after using them for a while. And if you are concentrating on making up for the poor fit of your clubs, then you probably aren’t focused on playing your best gold game.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to spend a lot of cash on custom-fit golf clubs, though. While custom golf clubs are one way to go, you can probably find what you are looking for at a good golf store. But there are some things think about.

Though the length of the club is important, it’s not all you need to consider. Professionals say that the size of the grip of your club should be comfortable in your hands. For this reason, clubs for younger players and women usually have a smaller grip.

If you decide that a set of custom-fit golf clubs is the way to go, there are some things to know. The aim is not just to make sure that the golf club reaches from your outstretched hand down to the ground, but also to make the most of your body and build as well. Getting a set of golf clubs custom fit is a process that takes some time.

A proper fitting session should occur both indoors and out. The best custom-fit golf clubs should be tailored so that the way swing is considered. This can become a costly endeavor.

Although many golf club manufacturers will charge a high fee for the fitting session, many offer this service on a complementary, if you buy a set of golf clubs from them. While custom clubs are more expensive than a general set purchased from a shop or elsewhere, the cost will be worth it when you see the immediate improvement in your golf game.

Think about the shots that you have been making since you started playing golf. If you’re taller or shorter than the average golfer, custom clubs can make all the difference.

You might be wondering how long it takes to get a set of custom golf clubs in your bag. Many manufacturers of custom golf clubs can offer delivery within a few days, or often no more than a few weeks.There are few negative aspects of getting custom-fit golf clubs.

If you want to buy them for someone as a gift, or resell them someday, custom clubs are probably not the way to go. More than likely, the golfer who is going to receive the custom clubs will be surprised enough to get the fitting session, and most who go to this expense and trouble don’t usually sell them.

Investing in custom-fit golf clubs is entirely up to you. If you want to perfect your swing and are planning to buy a new set of clubs, custom clubs might be the best investment you can make!

Article Source:
To get more tips about playing golf visit

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dealing With Down Slopes

By: Jack Moorehouse -

In some of my golf tips I tell the story about playing a course which had severe fairway undulations. I could see where the course would be discouraging for recreational golfers. I seldom had a flat lie on the course. In fact, it was so hilly, I was almost always hitting from some kind of slope.

More often than not, I was hitting down hill.If you’ve ever played a course like this—and you probably have—you know how tricky hitting from a downhill lie can be. It’s especially difficult for recreational golfers, who are sometimes intimidated by a downhill slope and/or have little experience hitting from this type of lie. The resulting effort isn’t pretty and does nothing to lower the player’s golf handicap.

Hitting from a downhill slope is primarily a matter of making the right adjustments. I cover these in my golf lessons and golf tips but, obviously, there’s nothing like hitting from a down hill slope to learn how to do it.

Here are the 4 adjustments I recommend:

Tailor set-up for slope
Position ball back in stance
Swing with the slope
Chase ball down the slope

Keep two things in mind when faced with a downhill lie:

(1) a shot from a down slope tends to fade right and
(2) the slope affects the club’s loft.

The tendency to fade is a by-product of the slope. There’s little you can do about it. Even if you hit the ball perfectly, it will tend to fade right, so learn to deal with it as best you can, as I emphasize in my golf lessons.

Club loft is different. You can deal with it easily enough. On a steep slope, hitting a 7-iron becomes more like hitting a 5-iron, necessitating an adjustment in club selection depending on how far you are from the green. How much of an adjustment is hard to say. And golf instruction sessions don’t help, either. Only personal experience can tell you just how much to make.

Also, tailor your set up to the slope. That means making sure your spine is perpendicular to the slope and your weight on your front foot, a weight distribution you must maintain throughout the backswing. As a result, your shoulders will tilt downward to match the lie of the land. These changes ensure clean contact with the ball, positioned toward the back of the stance.

Another problem with downhill lies is trajectory. To generate height, hit down and with the slope, as if you’re chasing the ball downhill. Chase it for as long as possible by forcing your right shoulder to follow the ball to the target.Also, don’t let the transfer of weight get out of control at impact. Stay as balanced as possible, finishing the swing with a nice, smooth follow-through. Clearing your left hip as you swing down and through the ball helps with the follow-through.

These changes in your set-up and swing, as I point out in my golf lessons, almost mirror those needed for uphill lies.With uphill lies, the weight is on the back foot, the ball is positioned forward in the stance, and the tendency is to pull the ball left, which is caused by a golfer’s hands getting overactive through impact.

Also, concentrate on making a wide takeaway. This change counteracts the tendency to narrow your backswing, which often occurs on an uphill lie.Whether uphill or downhill, you must control weight transfer and you must swing down and with the slope.

You also must control your head, keeping it behind the ball at the point of impact.If you make the changes I recommend in this golf tip the next time you play a hilly course, you’ll find yourself hitting better shots from a sloped fairway. You’ll also find yourself developing more and more confidence playing a hilly course—and confidence never hurt anyone’s golf handicap.

Article Source:

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros.” He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Golf Swing: 5 Essential Measurements for More Distance. Get more yards without spending a fortune.

Copyright © 2005, Art Khano

Renowned golf instructor Art Khano says before you spend money
on that expensive new driver, consider the five important
measurements for distance and straightness.

If you are like me you are in your twilight years. Those days of
whipping everyone from the blue tees and scoring a 67 are long
gone. No longer do I brag about beating my son who hits it 300
yards against the wind. Because quit frankly I don't hit it far
anymore and haven't for years. In fact, every year seems like I
hit it shorter and shorter. Or it's just harder to get the same
distance. When I try to crank it up, the ball goes in directions
I've never seen from my classic smooth golf swing.

For the better part of the last 15 years, my long ball son and I
have worked on my golf swing to get more distance. I am a golf
instructor and poured what I knew into him. I've created a
monster. He hits an eight iron 200 yards. He still doesn't
score that well. His work schedule doesn't allow him to put in
the time it takes to get down in the 70's. We have opposite
games, he hits it far and doesn't score that well, I hit short
and score in the mid seventies consistently. You see where I'm
going with this.

For the last seven years, I have taught the golf swing. I'm a
PGTCA certified golf instructor. I've literally taught hundreds
of people during the years. The number one request from most of
my clients over 50 years old: How do I get more distance without
giving up straightness? They lament, "I bought this $600 dollar
driver only to see my distance go down over the years."

After studying the game for the last 45 years, I've studied under
some of the greatest golf teachers. I get a kick out, when an
amateur golfer thinks pros hit it well because of the clubs. If
you are an experienced golfer you know that if you give a touring
pro the oldest beat up, out-of-date golf club and an amateur the
best club with the newest technology, the touring pro will hit
smoother, straighter and farther. So it's not entirely the club.

Below you will find some measurements and simple solutions to
apply to help determine what exactly is happening to your swing.
They will help you understand WHAT you need to DO in order to get
more distance without sacrificing straightness. Then you could
go buy that expensive new club with these measurements in mind.

Before you spend money on a new driver: 5 measurements you must

1. Clubhead speed

This is one of the more important measurements you can take on
your own golf swing. The only thing about it. You can't just
go one time to a store to have them measure it. You need to
take ongoing measurements to track your progress. There are
affordable options out there my favorite is the "Speed Stik"
which helps improve your clubhead speed and measure it. It
measures clubhead speed and helps you hear when you are swinging
faster. Practice it over and over at the increased speed. A
more expensive option is the "SwingMate" just for measuring the
speed. Both are available at Golfsmith. In order to build the
strength you can also use a weighted club or weight donuts.
Swing it five minutes before you use the Speed Stik. Then try
it again.

2. Center of the clubface

Clubhead speed without hitting in the center will impact your
distance and of course straightness. A simple solution, impact
tape. This goes on your clubface and you see the mark it leaves.
Do this a few times at the range or even at home with plastic
golf balls. (Don't go breaking the windows or hit the ceiling

3. Correct swing path not for distance but straightness

The swing path is tricky to diagnose but through training you can
get an eye for it. Simply observe the immediate path of the ball
after impact. If the ball shoots to the left immediately after
impact you are hitting it from outside in. If the ball jets to
the right immediately after impact, you have an inside out swing
path. Another way is take a flattened cardboard box place it one
or two inches parallel outside the golf ball. The goal being to
avoid hitting the box altogether. But if you hit the ball then
the box you have an inside out swing. If you the box then the
ball you have an outside in swing path.

4. Angle of approach.

The angle of approach can be observed through a trained eye also.
The trajectory of the ball immediately after impact will give you
a clue as to your angle of approach. If you are using a driver
and your ball seems to jet up very high right away, you need to
make a more sweeping motion to correct the sharp axing motion
giving it rise. Increasing the axe motion down the club range to
the sand wedge. The driver is more of a sweeping motion. The
fairway wood is more descending and so on.

5. Square to the clubface, different than the center.

Many astute golfers get the center of the clubface and square
to the clubface confused. You could hit it center but not be
squared to the ball. As the ball is in mid path you will see a
slice or pull. This tells you that the hit was center (see #2)
and swing path was correct but not squared.

Okay, now after several days of measurements. Make some
adjustments and track your progress. Start with number one.
Clubhead speed. Then take more measurements from two through
five. We want to ensure that with the increased clubhead speed
you aren't straying from the other important measurements.
Now you successfully increased your clubhead speed with the other
proper measurements. Go buy the best club you could buy.

Writer's Resource Box:
Renowned Golf Instructor Art Khano says before you spend
money on that expensive new driver consider the five
important measurements for distance and straightness.
Get Golf Products: Golfsmith
Art Khano improves golf swings and teaches golf in the
Chicago area. 773-569-6226

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Things You Need To Know About Golf Bags

By Rose Anne
Do you like playing golf? For some people, learning a simple golf swing for best results golf is a great relaxing activity.There are many different small things that must come together in order to achieve the maximum distance in playing golf.
The first step that you must take in order to prepare for a great swing is to have a golf bag. What is so important about golf bags? Why do you need to becareful when choosing golf bags? Some professional golfer may want to change their bag each time they participate in a game.
What about you? You probably need to have same perception about golf bags.
A golf bag is an integral part of golf equipment. If it carries easy, if it is functional, your mind is going to be where itneeds to be - on your golf playing. That’s what most of golfers said about having a golf bag.
What golf bag should you choose? Golf bags vary widely in terms of design, size, weight, and the number of clubs they can hold. Most are designed specifically to either be used on a golf cartor to be carried on the shoulders, though most carry bags will also work on a cart in a pinch.
When choosing a golf bag, it's important to consider your style of play, the number of clubs you currently own, and might own in the future.If you are traveling and wanted to bring your golf equipment, golf travel bags offer protection for your clubs, particularly when traveling by air.
Hard-sided bags offer more protection, but are heavier, while soft-sided bags offer some what less protection, but tend to be lighter. The similarities between the luggage and golf bag categories start with the same user-friendly theme. In the case of golf bags, it's "enjoy golf; don't kill yourself."
Therefore, light weight is important for golf bags.
The golf bag industry has come a long way in making golf bags much friendlier to the golfer since 1995. With the way technology has evolved, manufacturers have made an effort to make the golf things you carry easier to find and simpler to organize.
The carry bags are so lightweight, just about anyone can walk with their golf bags now days -- but still there are a lot of golfers opting to pull their golf bag on a cart or strap them onto a powered riding cart.
This fact has not escaped the golf bag manufacturers and so they have put a special eye toward creating functional, good looking golf bags for the cart as well as for the shoulder. You can either carry or roll along the course; your golf bag will always be with you.
Where you can find your golf bag? The easiest way is buying online. There are so many golf bags with different design, style, size, etc. that you can find in online shopping. Only a click of your hand, you can see so many golf bags before you.
Choose the one you like based on your need. Not long after you order, you going to have a golf bag that you want.So, what are you waiting for! Start order, you’re golf game iswaiting!
Good Luck!
About The Author: Rose Anne affectionate on bags, handbags,luggage, etc has made her into bags reviewer. She wants toshare her experiences at Her experiences onbags can be helpful for those who need more information about acertain kind of bags. Visit her Website

Choosing The Right Golf Clubs

By John Sanderson

Generally, a set of golf clubs off the shelf isn’t likely to be
a perfect fit for you. Manufacturers create golf clubs for folks
of average build – whatever that is! Not only is everyone
different in their physical make-up, but no two players swing
exactly the same. So one golf club size definitely does not fit

If your clubs are too long or too short, you're likely to have
problems. To find the right size clubs for you, try swinging
with a few different lengths. Basically, you choose clubs that
are about as long as the distance from your navel to the floor.
You don't need to decide right away—lots of courses and driving
ranges have sample clubs that you can practice with until you
find the perfect fit!

You can rent different kinds of equipment, too. Before you
invest in a set of expensive clubs, try a variety of types at
your local golf course. Test the waters for a few months. See
what feels best for your game.

Now, if after you’ve tried out several brands of clubs, and
you’re getting serious about the game, it’s a good idea to get
custom fitted by a PGA professional at a golf range. Don’t do
this until you’re able to consistently repeat a swing. Bottom
line – if you can’t hit worth a nickel, you don’t need to be
fitted for clubs yet!

A golf pro can help you find which clubs are best for you. As
previously stated, everyone has a different physique. Some
clubs just aren’t going to feel right to you. This is no
reflection on your game and certainly no reason to quit
playing. By getting custom fitted for your clubs, you will
likely hit the ball more consistently and accurately.

First, the fitter will have you hit a few balls. This is no
time to try to impress. Just hit normally, and try to loosen
up. Your swing speed will be recorded to determine the right
flex of shaft.

Fitters will take into account the length of the club so that
it’s comfortable for you. They’ll look at your hands to
determine if you need special grip fitting. You may need longer
or shorter clubs.

The angle of the club may be adjusted for you as well. When
you’re done with the “fitting”, specific recommendations will
be made regarding

• Length of club
• Size and design of clubhead
• Lie angle
• Shaft type
• Grip type
• Set make-up

Then you can make a wise decision on exactly what clubs to
purchase. You will likely see an improvement in your game
overall when you have the right equipment, tailor-fitted for

About The Author: This article courtesy of

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Guidelines For Better Golf Games

You would normally hear novice golf players complain that golf is quite frustrating. This is because the game is rather difficult to play. Not because of the nature of the golf game itself but mainly because players need to achieve a certain level of mastery over the game.
Golf is such that one needs to work for it. One really has to toil for it and most of the time, get frustrated along the course. This is almost natural and majority of golf players runs through such circumstances.
However, once the difficult part of training is done, the comforts of playing the game are incomparable.Golf gives the satisfaction that may not be found in other sports. This often comes from personal accomplishments.
The combination of intellectual and physical talent is necessary to achieve the certain degree of success. Remember that the ball is just there to wait for your hits. And you should know how to hit it accordingly. And next to knowing the how is your ability to actually execute the knowledge. And this combination of physical and intellectual capabilities are two things that make the golf game unique.
What most golf players miss out is the principle that golf games are actually a competition within themselves and not competition with other players. Given that this position is taken improvements may be gained through combining proper attitude towards the games and the ability to put on the best play.Listed and discussed in the following paragraphs are some guidelines that may help you improve your golf games.
Consider taking golf lessons with a professional golf instructor. This probably is the best investment you may have in playing golf. Having better foundations from a professional would help you raise to upgraded level without discovering everything by yourself. This may be quite expensive. If you would want to cut back on your expenses, you may try group sessions and other forms of golf instructions at your local facilities.
Assure yourself of having completed the entire golf course instructions before going out into the field. It certainly would not be fun for you and the golfers who are watching you repeatedly missing and dribbling the golf ball in the same spot.
At all rate, you must know the rules and the fundamentals of the game before attempting your first hits. Also try to catch the slang of the sports so you may have better connections with other players. Or else, you might find everything to be Greek in your ears. Like for instance, the term "you're away" means you're next.
Drive yourself to learning. Hogan once quoted that he did not teach because nobody was willing to learn. What he meant by this is that golfers want to improve their golf games yet they are never willing to go through the pains and frustrations. Yes, the majority of players would say that they want great swings and lower scores but some way or another, none are willing to lift themselves from the level they are presently in. Most only borrow the temporary cure of the band-aid approach, which only hides the symptoms of the conditions away, instead of walking down the path of self-improvement.
You need to develop decisive decision-making. This is often the pitfall for most golfers. This is comprised of the ability to decide on what golf club to use, what type of hit, and what form of set up is needed to make the shot. In the end, you need not be a genius to play excellent golf. You only have to avoid doing the unnecessary and impractical things.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides golf game resources on

Golf Fitness Exercises For The Woman Golfer

It is well known in professional golf how integral golf fitness exercises are for success at the highest level of golf. Men on the PGA Tour and women on the LPGA Tour understand the benefits of golf fitness exercises in achieving success.
Outside the circles of professional golf many questions exist about golf fitness exercises. Questions such as; what are the best exercises to improve golf fitness levels, are flexibility exercises and stretches better than other forms of golf fitness exercises, and what are the benefits of golf fitness exercises for the woman golfer?
These and many questions surround the topic of golf fitness.
This article is to provide some answers for you on the topic of golf fitness exercises for woman. It has been well documented in magazines and television how LPGA women such as Annika Sorenstam utilize golf fitness programs to benefit their play on the golf course.
Is there a difference between the LPGA player and the amateur woman golfer in relation to golf fitness training? The answer is no.
Yes, the women on the LPGA Tour are the best women golfers in the world, but the physiology of the LPGA player and amateur are the same. The skeletal, muscular, and neural systems are the same. The professional golfer has the same number of muscles in their bodies as the amateur.
The woman’s professional golfer has the same skeletal structure as the female amateur, and nervous system as well. Granted the LPGA player has more refined and efficient swing mechanics, but the body is the same.As a result of the body being the same, the principles and structure of a golf fitness program for any woman is similar.
Before discussing the specifics of a golf fitness program for women it is necessary to understand a few important principles. The first principle to understand about a golf fitness program is sports specific.
Sports specific is a term describing the type of training utilized in a golf fitness program. Sport specific training simply states the program utilized by the woman athlete is geared towards improving them in their chosen sport.
A second principle closely related to sports specific training is cross specificity training. Cross specificity training is the utilization of exercises to develop the woman golfer in the positions, movements, and actions incorporated in the golf swing. The goal of cross specificity training is a transfer of training effect to the field of competition.
Simply stated, a transfer of training effect is the ability of exercises utilized to train the female golfer having a direct benefit on their performance during a round of golf. For example, golf fitness flexibility exercises will attempt to improve the flexibility within the woman golfer. As the woman golfer improves her flexibility parameters in relation to the golf swing. She may be able to create a bigger shoulder turn, which may increase the distance of her drives. This benefit is an example of a transfer of training effect onto the golf course.
In summary, the three principles that assist in the development of a golf fitness program for women are; sports specific, cross specificity training, and transfer of training effect. Many additional principles exist that are used as guidelines in the development of a golf fitness program, but these are three essential ones.
Outside of the guidelines governing the development of a golf fitness program for woman. Specific physical components within the body are needed within the body to execute the golf swing correctly.
Remember, it is the body performing the biomechanics of the golf swing. In order for the golf swing to be executed correctly and efficiently certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power are required. These are the actual physical components within the woman golfer a golf specific fitness program looks to develop and enhance in relation to the golf swing.
The golf swing requires the body to move through a long range of motion for an efficient movement to occur. Much of this is contingent upon the ability of the core to coil and uncoil during the swing. In order for these two biomechanical actions to occur efficiently, the development of proper flexibility in the core is necessary.
We utilize flexibility exercises that are cross-specific to the movements in the golf swing to develop flexibility. The majority of these flexibility exercises are rotational and dynamic. The golf swing is a dynamic movement, indicating that the body is in constant motion. It is crucial to develop a range of motion for the swing in a dynamic rather than a static (not moving) method.
The goal of these exercises is to create a range of motion in the core for the golf swing. Flexibility is the first physical component requiring development within the woman golfer. One needs to maintain, dynamically, a stable body throughout the entire swing.
We have all hit balls at the range and know what happens when we do not stay balanced during the swing. Improving the balance and stabilization capabilities of the core translates into a better golf swing. Better Balance equals a Better Swing. Even subtle movements are consistency killers; thus we need to develop and maintain balance for a consistent swing.
Balance is connected to the efficiency of the nervous system and strength of the muscular system working together. The development of greater balance in the core and swing is the result of two types of specific exercise.
The first challenges the nervous system creating greater efficiency. The second are exercises that create increased strength in the core. The combination of these two types of exercises permit for the body to maintain posture, promote efficient weight transfer, and create power in the swing.
The result is a more consistent, accurate, and powerful swing. This is the second component included with a golf fitness program for women. Remember that the golf swing is a repetitive movement. The mechanics of the swing repeat with each stroke. This process can be repeated hundreds of times in a round of golf.
Ever go to the range and hit two buckets of balls? At some point the body starts to tire, and shots scatter. Proper endurance training enables us to repeat a sound swing. We produce this through a series of exercises developing endurance in the entire body.
This nets us a consistent swing through eighteen holes. Increasing endurance leads to lower scores. This is the third physical component of the golf fitness program for women.
Club head speed is a function of power. The more power generated by the body, the greater speed at which a club head impacts the ball. More power to the ball equals longer drives.
Developing higher levels of power within the muscular system of the body is achieved through the implementation of power exercises. These types of exercise assist in creating higher power outputs of the muscles involved in the golf swing. Power training is the final component found in a golf fitness program for women.In summary a golf fitness program for the LPGA or amateur woman golfer is relatively the same.
Golf fitness exercises for the woman golfer are sports specific. The exercises contained within the golf fitness program are cross-specific to the movements, positions, and requirements of the golf swing. The exercises within a woman’s golf fitness program induce a transfer of training effect onto the golf course. The golf swing requires certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power to execute correctly.
A golf fitness program for women will look to enhance these physical components of the body. The end result is an improved golf swing equating to lower scores and more enjoyment on the golf course.

Sean Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the world today. He travels the PGA Tour regularly with 2005 PGA & 2004 Masters Champion Phil Mickelson. He has made many of his golf tips, golf instruction and golf swing improvement techniques available to amateur golfers on the website To contact Sean, you can email him at

Beginning Golfer Shoots Lower Score

Golf is a great way to enjoy time with your family and friends. Whether you play a leisure round of nine holes or are able to enjoy a full round of eighteen holes, the game of golf is rewarding on many levels.
The best news is every beginning golfer can shoot a resonable score.A beginner only needs a handful of items to get started. A few lofted golf clubs, say a nine and seven iron, and a putter. If you want, grab a metal wood, but no more than a five wood. Gather some golf balls, tees, a towel, and throw your stuff in a golf bag. You are ready to play some golf!
You are probably wondering about all the other clubs and why they were left out. They are for the golfer who is ready to mix playing golf with practicing golf. If it makes you feel less awkward, take the full set of clubs with you, just use the ones mentioned until you are comfortable with your golfing abilities.
Let me explain myself.
Golf is a sport. Like all other sports a score determines the winner. In golf the lowest score or fewest strokes win. Most people who play sports enjoy competition. Why not learn how to play golf to win from the very beginning.
After all an early success will bring you back to the golf course sooner. And I don’t know of a better place to be than on a golf course.If you are playing with others of your same ability you need to learn how to score the lowest. This is why you are only using a few clubs for now.
If you can keep the ball moving forward towards the target (the flag) instead of sideways (the direction most beginners hit towards) you will always score lower than you opponent. The clubs that are easiest to hit are the ones with the most loft, your seven and nine iron. These will never travel as far as your opponent’s big dog, (their driver or 1 metal) but they have a greater chance of moving the ball in the direction of your target.
So it may take you six or seven shots down the fairway to reach the green, chances are your score will be less than your playing opponent when totaled. Making solid contact with the golf ball will always win the game. Using the higher lofted clubs will have you hitting the ball with precise contact faster than any other club in the bag, except your putter.
When you can stand at address over a golf ball with a seven or nine iron and hit a good shot seven out of nine times you can expand your club selection to any other club. I use this technique when teaching beginners to play and they are my proof that it works. The confidence you gain from hitting good shots by making solid contact will show up with every other club once you master the higher lofted irons.

Jerry and Janet Strain have been golfing for over 20 years. Both play with single digit handicaps and are fiercely opposed in couple’s tournaments. Recently Janet opened an off course golf apparel store focused on the needs of women golfers everywhere. Visit Lady O’ Golf for fashionable golf apparel, news, and informative articles. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact. All rights reserved. Copyright Lady O’ Golf.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Art Of Putting

By Tim Henry
The majority of the game of golf is putting – pure and simple. It looks so easy – rolling that little ball into a nearby hole.
But mastering the skill has threatened many a golfer’s sanity. Here are a few tips to help improve your putting skills.
• Use just one ball when you practice your putting. This is closer to what a real game is like. You tend to concentrate better this way than if you have a bucket of balls to keep digging into. And be sure to practice your putting daily.
• Putting isn’t all in the wrists. When you’re putting, the palms of your hands face each other. This prevents one hand from dominating and ensures that both work together for you.
• Make sure you’re totally relaxed before you strike the ball. Loosen up your muscles so they feel flabby and jelly-like. Never tense up your muscles when putting!
• Make your back and follow through strokes the same length.
• Keep your putter face square by weakening your left hand and strengthening your right.
• Rely less on your wrists and more on your shoulders when putting.
• Keep that left wrist firm.
• Relax your knees a little. Don’t lock up.
• Your heels should be shoulder-width apart.
• Gary McCord advises that on curved putts, keep your feel parallel to the line you’ve chosen, not parallel to the hole.
• As you make contact with the ball, you want to accelerate the putter. Keep the putter grip moving toward your target.
• It’s better to miss a putt by sending it beyond the hole than by having it come up short. Finishing off the shot will be easier.
• Practice your putt at home on your carpet when the weather is bad or you can’t get to the golf course.
• Find a putter that works well for you and stay with it.
• Have something at stake at every hole so you become accustomed to putting under pressure.
About The Author: This article provide courtesy of

Improving Your Balance And Your Golf Game

By Simon Harris
Balance - it sounds so simple! As a golfer, you know that maintaining a proper balance is key to your game. And it's more than just having the correct stance.
Optimal balance depends on three aspects - your visual perception, the signals from the inner ear, and signals from your muscles and joints.
Sometimes these aspects get out of sync, causing a balance disorder. A lack of balance usually occurs when your head position changes - which is a good reason to keep your head still during your swing!
Migraines can attribute to a balance disorder. So if you have frequent migraines, seek medical attention. These headaches can affect your golf game in ways you may never have thought of.
Don’t spend a fortune on new golf equipment hoping for better play before you check your medicine cabinet to see if any drugs you’re taking affect your balance.
The condition “ear poisoning”seriously affects your balance. Ear poisoning is usually causedby side effects of some medications - notably the antibioticgentamicin. Up to 50 % of people who take this drug experience some sort of ear poisoning.
Diuretics can pose a problem as well. So if you're on any medicine and you start feeling dizzy, get medical help!Sometimes the dizziness can literally become a lifelong problem, so don’t delay in seeking help.
If your balance is a little off in your game, you may want to do some simple exercises to improve it. Just kicking a ball around your backyard can help. You can also set up a little obstacle course and weave in and out of it to improve your balance. Your kids will have fun with the course, too! In fact,they may even set up one for you!
You can also buy a balance board to help you with your center of gravity. We found a hand made, well-crafted balance board on eBay. These boards are challenging and fun to use!
In addition, working with flexibility exercises helps increase your balance by releasing muscle tension. Try some simple yoga stretches to help with loosening up tight muscles.
Another useful item is a yoga ball or exercise ball. Even just sitting on one of these balls requires balance - so try using one for part of the day. Work up gradually until you can sit on the ball for 30 minutes at a time. These ball exercises can helpyou develop proper posture, increase the mobility of your lower back, and develop overall control of your body core.
Since balance is fundamental to every aspect of your golf game, spend some time each day working on developing it. Who knows? You could find your swing and your score improving dramatically!
About The Author: Ths article provided courtesy of

Tips For Improving Your Golf Swing

By Hana Lee
The second I get a golf club in my hand I want to knock the fire right out of the ball. It just plain feels good to send that sucker as far as the eye can see. Unfortunately, being able to hit the ball hard doesn’t equal good golf.
If you’re just needing a little stress relief, go for it! If you want to play a good game of golf, however, you’re going to have to erase the “homerun” mentality. See, one of the roots of golfing mistakes is that tendency toswing hard. A violent swing shows power, but power isn’t whatwins the game. It’s accuracy and control.
You want to swing easily and freely at the ball. If you bring your feet together you will reduce your ability to swing hard.If you brace yourself, you’re probably going to use too much effort. Just relax and swing easily.You also want to keep your center of gravity the same. Do this by keeping both of your feet on the ground in approximately the same position as when you start. Keep your head still and yourcenter of gravity won’t change.
A sudden effort made with one of your legs or both will cause your head to move. Then you can’t see the ball clearly and youc hange the position of the pivotal center with relation to the ball. Keep both feet planted on the ground so your weight is supported on the flat of your feet when you connect with ball.
When you hit the ball properly everything is so smooth. You’re conscious of very little effort. Now, don’t brace yourself for the effort of hitting the ball. Don’t be stiff. The slightest tendency to stiffen your muscleswill destroy your balance. You want to make your club head go along a straight line while in contact with the ball.
Try to see how low you can send the ball and how clear on the center of the club you can connect with it. This will help to correct slicing. A ball that goes too high is at the mercy ofthe wind and can kick off to the right or left on rough ground.
When you hit the ball, remember - you only want to use the power you’re able to control. You’re not going to be bothered by a lack of power but by a lack of accuracy. You want perfect control at every instant during your swing.
So there shouldn’tbe a violent effort keep your head still and make sure yourclub head is going straight when you meet the ball. Your longest drives aren’t usually going to come when you’re trying for distance but if you’re just trying to put the balldown the line you’re aiming at, the distance will come naturally.
What you want to try to do is get a gradually increasing speed until you connect with the ball and then press steadily. If you’re jerky anywhere in the swing it’s because you’re pulling in your hands somewhere.
In regard to keeping your head still, imagine that you have a glass of water balanced on your head and when you swing you don’t want to spill one drop of water out of the glass. You want to swing at a fairly decent speed throughout so you don’t stiffen up. Don’t swing back too slowly then.
Basically don’t swing so hard that you’re conscious of the effort. How much energy can you apply to a ball? It doesn’t matter. It’s the power you can control that counts.
About The Author: This article courtesy of

Friday, May 05, 2006

How Your Grip Effects Ball Flight

by Bobby Eldridge
There are many different opinions on how to grip a golf club, but very few instructors tell you WHY you should grip the club a certain way. The reason that the grip is SO important is because it is the only part of your body that controls the clubface, your hands.
If you have a tendency to slice the golf ball, try this:
Move both hands to the right so you can see one or two knuckles (top knuckles) of the left hand. The most important part of placing your grip is to make sure both palms are facing each other. So adjust the left hand, and then adjust the right hand so that your right palm is facing the left palm. - Strong Grip
If you have a tendency to hook the golf ball, move both hands towards the left (palms facing), and you should see no knuckles on your left hand. - Weak Grip
When I mention the knuckles that I have been referring to, here's what I mean.
1. After you have addressed the golf ball and you look down at your hands from the address position.
2. You should look at your left hand to see if you can see any knuckles.
Now let's talk about grip pressure.
Tip: The tighter you grip the golf club; the more the golf ball has a tendency to go off to the right. The looser you grip the golf club; the tendency will be for the golf ball to go off to the left.
Most of the time when I am giving a golf lesson, I can see the whites of my student's knuckles because they are gripping the golf club so tight. This is incorrect! Hall of Fame golfer Sam Snead once said "Hold the club as if you are holding a bird in your hands." Another quote that I once heard is that you should grip the club like you were holding a tube of toothpaste.
Now... I want to share a little bit about my experience at the Phoenix open, and give you some predictions.
Every year, I take some of my clients to the Phoenix Open, and this past weekend I was really impressed with J.B.Holmes. However, I am making a 2006 prediction - that I made during the Hawaiian Open...Camilo Villegas is my pick for Rookie Of The Year...He is the 2006 REAL DEAL...Let's follow him in 06.
Bobby Eldridge is the Head Instructor for the PurePont Golf Academy where he teaches "The Simple Golf Swing" theory. You can check out PurePoint Golf instructional DVDs at
Copyright Bobby Eldridge -

How to Get More Consistency with your Driver

by Bobby Eldridge
Read this sentence then stop for 10 seconds and ask yourself what you think the three most important elements to the game of golf are. Four, three, two, one...
Ok, now I will list mine in the order of importance.
Driving the golf ball in play. Putting the golf ball with consistent speed control (distance). Pitching the golf ball with loft. Today we are going to concentrate on what I consider the MOST important aspect to the game of golf, DRIVING THE GOLF BALL IN PLAY. This aspect of the game is the number one confidence builder in our sport. As you probably know and have experienced, your score adds up quickly if hit your tee shots out of play.
Buckle up - Because if you read this special report every time before you play a round of golf this summer, your friends will think they are playing with Fred Funk come September. Fred Funk has led the P.G.A. Tour in driving accuracies for the past four years. He averages hitting 76% of the fairways every time he plays 18 holes of golf. If you are going to change the way you drive the golf ball you will need to implement the following four fundamentals.
Approach every tee shot with a clear picture in your mind of what you want the golf ball to look like in flight
Choose the proper driver for your swing.
For your golf swing.
Swing the driver on the correct swing plane for your swing.
If you can see it, you can have it. Before you take your driver, or any club for that matter, out of your golf bag, you better start seeing what you want the golf ball to look like during its journey down the fairway. Of the millions of words my mother (the first woman to teach at a golf school in the United States) passed on to me, the one phrase that has stayed with me all of these years is THE PICTURE. You must have a mental picture of how you want the ball to fly through the air and where you want it to wind up. When you have a driver in your hands, you have to pick out an exact area you want the ball to land on. IF YOU DON'T SEE THE PICTURE, YOU ARE HEADED FOR TROUBLE.
Important Tip:
During the course of a round of golf, you can find yourself driving the ball well, but all of the sudden you are faced with a difficult driving hole. Shortly after I turned professional, I played a practice round with Tommy Bolt the 1958 U.S. Open Champion. We came to great par four, 435 yards long, water down the right side of the fairway from the tee to the green, out of bounds markers down the entire left side of the fairway from the tee to the green. After I teed my golf ball up I turned to Tommy and said, "What do you do here with O.B. left and water right?" Tommy looked me straight in the eye and said "Son, if you see the water and the O.B. markers, you better go find another line of work.
"That stick with me to this day, and I wanted to pass it on to you. Don't worry about the challenges, just think about what you want the ball to do. I have benefited immensely during my career, and I want you to benefit from this as well.
Now that you can see the picture, let's see if you brought the correct brush to paint with. If you are still trying to buy 20 more yards every time you walk into a golf shop. It is time to stop-NOW! If you own a driver that is metal, has a graphite shaft, and the grip is new then you own what it takes to send the golf ball straight down the fairway.
Let's back up a foot or two. The loft on the golf club will play a major role in how accurate you are. If you are struggling with your driver you might consider buying a driver with at least 10-12 degrees of loft. The less loft a driver has the more you are apt to slice and hook the ball. If you are driving the ball well you can buy a driver with less loft.
An important side note:
If you are driving the golf ball short, low and to the right the shaft might be too stiff. If you are driving the golf ball too high and to the left the shaft might be too weak.
Another item to consider if you have small hands, have the club repair shop regrip all of your grips with either a junior grip or a small grip. If your hands are large, have the shop regrip you clubs with oversize grips.
Bottom Line – worry about getting the ball in the fairway first, and then focus on distance generation. Chances are, you own the equipment right now, that will give you the fairway shots you're looking for. Remember – It's the swing, not the equipment. The equipment helps once you have a good swing, but you'll never FIX your swing with an equipment upgrade.
The tee height does not seem like such a big deal, but it plays a huge roll in whether or not you drive the golf ball consistently down the fairway. Something so simple can often be the biggest challenge.
The two major mistakes are teeing the golf ball too low or teeing the golf ball too high. You may have heard that golf is a game of opposites. This is a perfect example. Let me explain why. If you are constantly swinging your driver too vertical into the ground in the downswing, you probably tee the golf ball to low. Most golfers with a vertical driver swing fear swinging underneath the golf ball so they tee the ball low in hopes of catching it square. For those of you with this challenge, the next time you are on the golf course, tee the golf ball up a little higher and sit back a little bit more on your heels and keep your weight there in the downswing. After your shot has landed, look down to see if your tee is still in the ground. If you are always conscience of leaving the tee in the ground, you will not pop your tee shots up anymore.
If you are topping your tee shots to the right you might have the ball teed too high because you are trying to hit the ball on the upswing. The next time you go out to play, tee the ball down a little. After the golf ball has landed, make sure your weight is on your left foot and meaning you have transferred your weight correctly.
With this final tip I feel confident you will be on your way to driving the golf ball straighter and with more consistency. The golf club in your bag that swings the most vertical, (up and down) is your sand wedge. The golf club that swings the most horizontal (around you-baseball swing) is your driver. The mistake I have seen most amateur golfers make is that they swing their driver like their sand wedge and they swing their sand wedge like their driver.
A couple of things to remember when you are addressing the driver:
Chin up
Turn your right shoulder in the back swing level
Swing the golf club around you/not up and down
Leave the tee in the ground after you hit the ball
When you are ready to begin your backswing, keep your swing thoughts to a minimum. Just think about swinging more horizontal.
At the beginning of this special report I promised you would drive the ball more with more confidence, accuracy and more consistent if you read this article every time before you tee it up this summer. This stuff seems simple, but give it a try and send me an email letting me know the results. You'll get some really good results.
This is only a starting point that will provide a great basis for more consistent driving. At the end of this month, we're going to get back to you with some in depth information on how to get more accuracy and consistency with your driver. Stay tuned…you'll love the results you get this season.
Click Here to See The Simple Golf Swing DVD
Click Here to See the Newly Released Short Game DVD
Click Here to See The Simple Golf Swing eBook
Bobby Eldridge is the Head Instructor for the PurePont Golf Academy where he teaches "The Simple Golf Swing" theory. You can check out PurePoint Golf instructional DVDs at
Copyright Bobby Eldridge -

How Focus Can Improve Your Golf Game

By Hana Lee
Ninety percent of golf is mental. Oh heck, make that 95%!Arnold Palmer stated, “The toughest 6 inches in the game ofgolf is between a player’s ears”.The fastest way to lower your score is to master the ability tofocus.
Most golfers tend to think they must practice more, find a newinstructor, buy more videos, get the swing right, change thoseclubs. But one of the often overlooked and most importantmental aspects of the game is focus.
Now you want to make sure you focus on the result you want. Ingolf the shot is determined by your level of concentration.You’ve likely just rushed right in and played shots withoutconcentrating.
No wonder the ball ended up going haywire!It’s better to make ten focused swings than 100 quick,thoughtless ones. Your swing will naturally break down whenyou’re fatigued. So be sure to take a break when you’repracticing.
Brain breaks give your mind and body a chance toimplement what you’re learning.One way to practice the art of focusing is to light a candleand stare into the flame, only thinking of the flame. Everytime your mind starts to move to any other thought, bring itback to the flame. Think of the dancing orange colors, how theymelt inside of each other.
The first time you do this, you might be hard –pressed to lastfor 3 minutes. Work up to 20 minutes, and your ability to focuson anything will have improved immensely. You’ll be able to takethis enhanced skill to the golf course.When you’re playing, just think about the next shot.
Duringdown time, allow your mind to relax and wander for a fewminutes. Don’t try to concentrate the entire game, or you’llget very fatigued, very quickly. Save the mental workout forthoughtful shot decisions and center on what shot you’re goingto play next.
Also, keep your cool and behave in an emotionally controlledmanner. You will perform more effectively. In the great game ofgolf, emotions soar and fall quickly. You can go from totallyhappy to totally ticked off in no time at all.
In fact, thefeeling of anger is actually a series of reactions that happenin just 1/30th of a second.Stop it at the first spark. The important thing is to figureout what is really making you angry. Think of the grand schemeof life and how today is just a speck.
Your golf game is aspeck on a speck. It helps to minimize the situation and lookat the big picture of what’s really important in life.Master the mental art of focus, and you’ve got 95% of the gameof golf all figured out!
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Golf On A Budget

By Tim Henry
I know what you’re thinking – golf on a budget! Can there besuch a thing? Well, it is possible, if you take a balanced,objective look at the strategies used in marketing golfproducts.Case in point – I just interviewed a local golf shop ownertoday.
We were talking about the new golf balls, and he wastelling me that representatives from different companies sendhim golf balls to use, hoping that he’ll recommend them to hiscustomers.
Well, he said he’s tried just about everything, and in hisopinion, they all play about the same now. Picking up a box of12 Titleist balls, he said, “This one is probably the best.”They cost $24.99 for the dozen. Then he laughed and picked upanother box. “But this one is our best seller.”The box was priced $44.99 for the dozen. I looked surprised. Heshook his head and said, “It’s all hype.
People think that ifthe balls cost double, they’re bound to play better.”Now we have the new hybrid ironwoods. Are they really going tochange your game that much? Or is it all a part of themarketing pitch?I heard one marketer say that since the golf market was sosaturated, he priced his clubs at three times the price ofanyone else’s. And he sold hundreds of thousands of dollarsworth.
The clubs weren’t any more expensive to make than otherclubs. It was just a “market test”. And folks bought likecrazy.Since no two people play golf the same - and everyone has anindividual physique and swing – a product that adds distancefor one player may not help another player at all.
Think about something you do very well that requires a piece ofequipment. You’re the expert in this area. Should everyone whoattempts your job then buy the exact same equipment as youhave? Will that mean they’ll be able to do the job better or aswell as you?Food for thought, isn’t it?
I enjoy gardening, and have alovely flower garden. But I only have one or two garden toolsthat are considered the best. The other things I use becausethat’s what I’ve always used.
So just because one golf pro buys one kind of ball or clubdoesn’t mean that it’s the best for you.The sales pitches that swear you’re going to add 30 yards andnever hit another slice entice us to shell out the big bucks.
But if you’re careful and have a healthy dose of skepticism,you’ll save both time and money in the long run.Remember, in the golf world, just because a product is moreexpensive, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily any better.
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Golf Basics For Kids

By Hana Lee
When teaching golf to kids, FUN is the name of the game. Throwin all the technical jargon at the beginning and you willeffectively kill a child's desire to learn. Allow a child to“play” golf for enjoyment, and he’ll become a life-long convertof the game!
Hours of practice will only overwhelm a child, so just allowhim or her to practice a little bit at first, say 30 minutes.This will keep motivation for practice high.And it's okay to let them start by hitting the ball hard.That's part of the fun!
Don't worry about their grip right offthe bat. Just have them keep the right hand under the left andthen swing away!I’d also make sure the child keeps his or her feet on theground while following through.
Now, if you want to buy a child's set of clubs, that's fine,but you're likely to do just as well with a used set of women'sclubs. They're lighter and nice for kids. All you need is awomen's 9 iron, a 6 iron, 3-wood and a putter.
Let your child start out with little chipping and puttinggames. This play will help him or her get the feel for the cluband the ball. Kids can bounce the ball off the face of a wedgeand try hitting leaves or twigs.Little contests and games keep motivation high.
Avoid pressureor competition early on. You want your child to enjoy the gameand want to play it every chance they get, not end up soconfused and unfocused that they can't figure out what to doand just quit in frustration.If you’re encouraging, your child will love for you to playalongside of them. Just don't start demanding wins andemphasizing competition, or you'll pop the enthusiasm reallyfast.Children will move along as they're ready.
Letting themprogress at their own pace prevents future burnout. Never makea child play the game, unless he wants to. The game should befun, and a simple joy. Laugh and have a blast yourself!If your child's interest increases, you might consider golfcamp or some private lessons with someone experienced inteaching children.
If you do seek a personal instructor foryour child, watch how the person teaches first. You really wantan encouraging person with a knack for teaching kids.Also, please remember to teach your child the etiquette ofgolf. Little things are very important, like… Don’t talk whilesomeone else is swinging. Don’t step in front of someone whilethey’re swinging. Stand still. Don’t walk in front of someoneelse’s line or through line.
Finally, never criticize. Praise their shots and swings.Encourage them to correct certain moves, but don't dwell onwhat was done incorrectly.If you concentrate on the most important aspects of golf – theenjoyment and the basics – you may end up with a child whorivals you on the range and who enjoys a lifelong love for thegame.
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